Watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 20 with English, Urdu & Español Subtitles Free of cost
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Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 20 Summary
In Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 20, While Alparslan was about to talk to Dukas, someone shoots arrows from afar. Diogenes reads the message on the arrow and starts looking for this man with Alparslan. Caghri calms the people of the tribe and says that he will soon avenge the killed soldiers. Alparslan sees the blood on a rock and blames Diogenes. While the Byzantine soldiers are about to attack the Turks, a group of bandits attacks everyone there. While going to the funeral, Caghri talks with Batur about the latest events. Kekaumenos receives a message and wants to help Diogenes. Alpagut warns the Lord, but cannot persuade him to stay in the castle. Alparslan catches one of the bandits and asks him who he works for. While the bandit is about to speak, someone shoots him with an arrow and kills him.
Alparslan reads the message on this arrow and realizes that his father’s life is in danger. Caghri stops somewhere in the forest to pray, but the bandits kidnap him. While Kekaumenos was on his way to Vaspurakan, other bandits attacked his car and kidnapped him. Akca gets upset because she can’t tell her feelings for Alparslan and she talks to Akinay about it. Karaca asks Suleiman to keep quiet, but cannot convince him. Batur returns to the tribe and tells them that Caghri has been kidnapped. Yinal goes to the funeral and says he will help the Turkmen there. A man named Ferzat comes and says that Yinal will not help the Turkmen. Alparslan learns that his father has been kidnapped and goes to look for him. Kekaumenos sees Caghri and thinks he planned it. On his way to the palace, Ferzat stops Yinal and says he wants to talk to him.
Ferzat says that he knew that Yinal had tried to dethrone Tughtul before and that he had documents in this regard. While Tughrul is talking about the situation in the Armenian villages, Georgian Prince Rati comes to the palace and says he wants to talk to the Sultan. Rati says he is Liparit’s son. Liparit’s other son, Ivan, goes to the castle and tells that he has kidnapped Kekaumenos. Ivan blames Dukas for his father’s death and says he wants revenge. Dukas says that Byzantium will not give anyone land or rank and kicks Ivan out. Rati says that Seljuk must pay compensation for his father’s death and leaves the palace. The Sultan invites Georgian statesmen to the palace. Alparslan reads the text in the message and says that this message was written by a Georgian man. Evdokya asks Dukas to do something to save her uncle and says that she will provoke the people in this matter.
Diogenes calms Evdokya and says that he will give Dukas to Rati. The Sultan goes to the tribe and tells Alparslan what happened in the palace. Dukas says Evdokya may do something dangerous, but Diogenes calms him down. While Kekaumenos is arguing with Caghri, Liparit’s sons arrive. Rati says that he talked to Dukas but could not convince him. Rati cuts Lord’s finger and says he will send it to the fort. Alparslan asks permission from the Sultan to solve this problem and says he wants to deliver Liparit’s murderer to Rati. The Sultan asks Yinal to take the Armenian villagers and gives permission to Alparslan. While Ferzat is hunting in the forest, Diogenes comes and says he wants to talk to him. Alpagut tells Alparslan that Diogenes will do something to get rid of Dukas. Diogenes asks Ferzat to attack the Armenian villagers and gives him a bag of gold. Ferzat thinks that he will gain the support of the Turkmen in this way and accepts this offer.
Armenian villagers prepare and set out with Yinal. Akinay says that Karaca has not been well lately and asks Akca to take her some medicine. Akca sees the wound in Karaca’s hand and realizes that she stole hemlock from Akinay’s tent. While Diogenes is talking to Dukas, Alparslan comes to the castle. Alparslan says he knows everything and asks Diogenes for Dukas. Diogenes then writes a message and sends it to Rati. Diogenes then goes to talk to Dukas and says that Alparslan will try to get Caghri back using the General. Diogenes asks Dukas to go to a safer place, but cannot persuade him. Ferzat stops Yinal and says he will kill the Armenians. A villager attacks Ferzat and the war begins.
Alparslan sees the war while passing through the forest and stops everyone. Alparslan says attacking the villagers is a crime and arrests Ferzat. Akca goes to Karaca’s tent and says she knows everything. Akca asks Karaca to confess everything to Alparslan, but she refuses. Karaca takes her dagger and says she will kill Akca, but she faints at that time. Alparslan sends a message to Rati and says that the Sultan will give him more. When Suleiman is about to tell Alparslan the truth about Karaca, he learns that she is sick and immediately returns to his tent. The Sultan gets angry with Yinal because of the Armenian villagers who died and says that Ferzat will be put on trial. Ferzat tells Yinal to save himself from the court or he will tell all the truth to the Sultan. The next day, Rati takes action to go to the meeting place.
Diogenes kills a soldier and says he is a Turkish spy. Dukas thinks that Alparslan will enter the castle and decides to go to a safe place with Diogenes. Sultan asks Georgian statesmen about recent events and gets angry with them. Alparslan begins to wait for Diogenes in the forest. Rati asks Ivan to be careful and starts waiting at the meeting place. Diogenes delivers Dukas to Alparslan. Dukas realizes that Diogenes is a traitor and tries to attack him, but Alparslan stops him. Alparslan delivers Dukas to Rati and asks him for Caghri. Rati is surprised to see Alparslan but agrees to release Caghri. Rati and Ivan set off again with Dukas. Rati and Ivan stab Dukas multiple times on the edge of a cliff. When Alparslan returns to his tent, he sees the message Akca left and realizes that she loves him.
Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Capitulo 20 en Español HD 1080
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How to watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 20 English & Urdu Subtitles
Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 20 Relase Date is 28th March 2022. If you want to watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 20 with no ads and permanent access, then You may watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 20 (Alparslan The Great Seljuk) Series with English Subtitles by subscribing membership on Multipoint TV in 1080 resolution and you can even download full series with one-click and watch anywhere (TV and big screens) and any time offline. Those who are searching for watching Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 20 English Subtitles Kayifamily, Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Capitulo 20 en Español and Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 20 with Urdu Subtitles Free of Cost regularly may watch here. ????????
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