Watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 11 with English, Urdu & Español Subtitles Free of cost
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Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 11 Summary
In Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 11, Alparslan continues to wait in the forest and watches Akca from afar. Hassan returns to headquarters and sees Inal there. Inal says that he protected the headquarters from the Byzantine attack and that’s why he is now in control. Hassan is very surprised by this situation and says that the headquarters is under the control of Alparslan. Hearing what Hassan said, Inal gets very angry and arrests everyone. Akca starts talking to the Lord and gets angry with him for the attack in the forest. Alparslan realizes that Akca is the daughter of the Lord. Alparslan then goes to Akca and says that he knows that she is a traitor. Akca can’t stand her accusations any longer and she faints. Alparslan takes Akca and immediately goes to the headquarters. Diogenes begins to torture Goktug to make him speak, but the Lord stops him.
Alparslan asks the doctors to treat Akca and says that she will never go out. Batur tells Alparslan what Inal did. Alparslan asks Inal to relinquish control of the headquarters. Inal gets angry once again and arrests Alparslan. Some Turkish soldiers prepare to take Alparslan to prison and set off shortly after. Caghri learns that Alparslan has been arrested and taken to another castle. Caghri takes immediate action to save his son. Akca wakes up after a while and asks to talk to Alparslan again. Akinay asks Akca to calm down and takes her out of the headquarters. Bozan learns that Alparslan has been taken to the dungeon of another castle and begins to wait in the forest with his soldiers.
Diogenes and the General go to headquarters. General asks Inal for the headquarters to release Goktug. Inal says he will never give up the headquarters and sends the envoys back. Bozan’s soldiers attack the car and kill Cakiroglu. Alparslan gets out of the car and starts running to save his life. Lord learns that Inal did not accept the deal and begins to think of a new plan. Inal gets the news of the attack and immediately goes to the forest. Inal sees the dead Turks and starts looking for Alparslan. Caghri goes to the headquarters and asks Inal why he arrested Alparslan. Inal says that Alparslan did not defend the headquarters and that he might even be a traitor. Meanwhile, Alparslan faints in the forest due to his injuries. Caghri then talks to Hassan and tries to learn the truth from him. Caghri prepares to talk to the Sultan to solve this case. Hassan and Alps go to look for Alparslan.
Sultan and his wife go to the market in the city. The Sultan pays some people’s debts and tries to listen to their problems. Sultan learns that Inal arrested Alparslan and Caghri opposes this event. Lord goes to the headquarters to speak with Inal. Lord tells Inal that he will make one last offer and asks him to give the headquarters. Inal rejects this offer once again and sends the Lord back. The lord then talks to Goktug and tells him that nobody cares about him. Akinay goes to the tribe with Akca, but Karaca begins to bother them again. Karaca starts talking about Akca’s dress and repeatedly says that she is a traitor. Akca can’t stand these accusations any longer and gets out of the tent. Karaca attacks Akca but fails. Suleiman sees this fight and gets angry with Akca.
Hassan begins to follow the trail he found in the forest. The Sultan invites Caghri and Inal to the palace. Sultan says that the state should be just. Caghri says that what Inal did was wrong and Alparslan was right. The Sultan says that the headquarters will stay in Inal and orders Alparslan to be found immediately. Akca writes a note and secretly leaves the tribe. Bozan’s soldiers find Alparslan once again and attack him. Alparslan continues to fight with his last strength. After a short time, Hassan comes with the soldiers and helps Alparslan. Akca then goes to the castle and says that the Turks are starting to suspect her. Lord asks Akca to rest and says he will make a plan with her. A prayer is said for the soldiers who died in the forest that night.
Akca talks to Alpagut and tells him what Alparslan did. Alpagut says that Alparslan will soon understand everything and forgive Akca. Alparslan goes to the castle the next day and asks the Lord to release Goktug. Lord rejects Alparslan’s offer and sends him. Alparslan talks to Alpagut for a short while before leaving the castle. Lord takes Goktug to the castle’s kitchen and threatens him. Goktug says he will do as the Lord says to save his life. Caghri first learns that Alparslan was found and then learns the truth about Akca. While Alpagut goes to the dungeon of the castle, Akca secretly saves Goktug. Akca takes Goktug to the headquarters and tells Alparslan that she is not a traitor. Lord and Diogenes try to understand how Goktug escaped from the dungeon.
Alparslan sends Goktug to a doctor and says that he will make a decision about Akca later. Goktug first starts talking about the Byzantine attack and explains how Inal defended the headquarters. Goktug then tells him that the Lord requested swords and soldiers from Constantinople. Goktug says he knows the way to be used by the soldiers who will come to the castle. Alparslan plans to attack the Byzantine soldiers who will use the valley and sets out after a short while. Hassan goes to Akca’s room and tells her a story. Hassan says soon everything will be alright. Lord asks Diogenes to go to the valley with some soldiers and attack Alparslan. Diogenes sets up a trap near the valley and begins to wait for Alparslan. Alparslan uses a different path and reveals the Lord’s trap. Goktug says he did everything to save his life, but Alparslan kills him. After Alparslan attacked Diogenes, he returns to the headquarters and says that Akca will pay the price for her betrayal.
Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Capitulo 11 en Español HD 1080
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How to watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 11 English & Urdu Subtitles
Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 11 Relase Date is 31st January 2021. If you want to watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 11 with no ads and permanent access, then You may watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 11 (Alparslan The Great Seljuk) Series with English Subtitles by subscribing membership on Multipoint TV in 1080 resolution and you can even download full series with one-click and watch anywhere (TV and big screens) and any time offline. Those who are searching for watching Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 11 English Subtitles Kayifamily, Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Capitulo 11 en Español and Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 11 with Urdu Subtitles Free of Cost regularly may watch here. ????????
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